How to Make a Frozen Buttercream Transfer

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24 thoughts on “How to Make a Frozen Buttercream Transfer

  1. Also btw my middle school mascot is the bulldog and im going to make this as a party before we leave elementary so thank you for the recipe me and my mom are making it right now lol

  2. Very helpful! I’m making my brother in law a graduation cake and no bakery will do his school logo. This is truly the lifesaver!

  3. This is a great video! I’m doing a buttercream transfer on my dad’s Father’s Day cake. On other tutorials I have seen you are supposed to put it in the freezer after each layer of frosting, like the outline and then after each color. Do you not need to do that? Thanks!

  4. Hi Wilton, I have a question. How many drops of food coloring are in a bottle of Color Rite? I bought the pack recently, and to get these colors, I thought 40 drops was quite a lot. Is it really as much as I think it is?

  5. she didn’t say it but I highly suggest freezing the outline before adding the other colors so the black does not bleed into the other colors. this is a very important step.

  6. I really wish I had know about this technique when I made my niece a PowerPuff girls cake many years ago. Instead, I used clear gel to trace the back of my image onto wax paper, then place it on the cake. I then had shiny outlines to follow. That method leaves plenty of room for errors though, and the frozen buttercream method seems so much easier and forgiving 🙂 Thank you for such a great how-to video!

  7. I always have a hard time with transfer because the image winds up being thick so when you place it on top of the cake, it looks like it’s sticking out rather than apart of the cake. Any tips on that?

    1. You can use background frosting that’s the same color as the test of the cake and fill in the entire top. Then, the transfer will be the size of the entire top of the cake.

  8. I’ve taught this to students who took the official Wilton classes from me at Michaels and they’ve all said this is SO much better than the gel transfer method we taught before (as long as you have the extra time to freeze and access to a freezer, that is lol) Thank you for this lesson!!!

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