How To Withdraw from Binance to Bank Account in Malaysia (How to sell Crypto) – Bitcoin Dogecoin

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50 thoughts on “How To Withdraw from Binance to Bank Account in Malaysia (How to sell Crypto) – Bitcoin Dogecoin

  1. Use our referral code or sign up with this link to receive 10% commission on all your trades on Binance. You also get 10% commission of all the trades that I personally do on Binance.
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    1. Hi. Just nak tahu, each time we buy or sell dogecoin, berapa fee dia? Dan lagi 1, kenaikan or penurunan harga berapa ya? Macam saham 0.5 sen up n down. Dogecoin macam mana?

  2. It did look complicated in the beginning when I logged into my Binance account. Now I know how to withdraw the money and its instant. Thank you for the walkthrough. By the way – nice drone footage

    1. Glad it helped ! Still learning on how to pilot the drone. Its quite hard actually. Will practise more to add more awesome cinematic shots for your viewings haha

    1. Thanks la my G, glad its helping out some people who are just getting started with the whole crypto world. Can be quite overwhelming sometimes.

  3. Quick tip! You can just use the “filter” button on the top right when you’re in the P2P market to look for the minimum amount that matches (in this case, can set it to 200).

    1. how binance p2p works is basically like an Escrow. An escow means , Binance acts as a middle man for both parties. So us as the seller for the USDT, we’re essentially giving our USDT to binance to hold until the buyer confirms the transfer. Then binance will release our USDT payments to them.

    2. @Roti Telur Finance oh, so from the perspective of the buyer, can he get his money back if the seller doesn’t confirm receipt? Since the buyer’s money already entered ur bank account anyway

  4. Thanks for this vid bro ! Btw , I hear a-lot of ppl saying you shouldn’t store crypto in your phone or smtg cuz it might get hacked.. but I’m relatively confused on this part like how do you personally reduce risk of getting hacked & like how do you store it offline etc ? Any advice ?Thanks✌🏻

    1. It’s completely legal. Securities commission Malaysia gave license to Luno for people to trade cryptos using that platform. Only Binance is not licensed yet. Hopefully in the future it will be licensed.

    2. @Roti Telur Finance so if I want to get my money from binance do i need to transfer from binance to luno this can i do ? Trema kasih

  5. Thanks bro.. I’m newbie in crypto. I managed to open up the binance acc and buy crypto but I can’t sell back and transferred to my bank acc, until I came across to your YouTube.. Thanks a lot.. 👍😃

  6. Thanks for the info. Question… for the P2P transfer, does it only work with USDT? Can we do P2P transfer with BNB <-> MYR pairs for withdrawal and deposits? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    1. As far as I know, you only pay capital gains tax for Property gains only. Other than that, profits from stocks and dividends are tax exempted. But if trading crypto and profiting from it is your main source of income and it exceeds more than RM36k/year than you should probably just declare this income, then ask LHDN whether that amount is taxable or not.

    1. It depends, normally capitals gains for stocks and crypto you don’t pay any tax on it. But if crypto gains are your main source of income for example crypto gains more than your active income. Then you’ll probably have the declare the gains and pay tax on it. Hope that helps

  7. The content is really helpful, thank you! Regarding the news that SC has banned Binance in Malaysia, do you have any recommendation except for selling all our altcoin? I would like to keep my coin but not sure which platform I should transfer to. I am not a frequent buyer and seller, do you think keeping the coins in Trust Wallet alone is fine? I would love to hear from you and also the opinion of others. Thanks!

  8. This video is really useful and informative. I follow the step-by-step guide and successfully withdraw USDT easily. This is by far the easiest way that I come across. Thanks bro 😊

  9. Thank you for the great video. Would like to check, if i were to be to buy USDT via p2p, what are the safety features which ensures the USDT is released to me? Also are their any trf charges from the banks?

    1. It works like an escrow. Where Binance is the middleman. Normally the person selling the USDT already release the funds to Binance and when you finish making the payment, Binance will release it once the seller confirms the money has come in to his account. Thats kind of how p2p works.

  10. Thank you so much for this bro been months asking around no one helped till I found your video 🙏 Moral of the story be self dependent and learn from Roti Telur Finance 🔥

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